So yesterday was our "fun" day in our marathon mother and son drive. First stop, Devil's Tower. I knew I had planned a full day of sights and driving, so we got close, took a few pictures, read about the legend, and took of down the road again. See ya later Wyoming!
It appears the Sturgis bike thingy (festival? invasion?) is happening or coming up very shortly. Herds (flocks? prides? pods?) of bikers are converging everywhere we visit today. Sadly, Trent is sleeping when we get to Sturgis, and a sleeping Trent means no potty beak, and that makes me happy.
Mount Rushmore is next on the list. It's raining when we get there, but turns out to be a great day. Amazing views, loved the story about how this monument was created. It seems so excessive and crazy in a way. Trent's review: It was kinda lame, but I'm glad we came anyway. A note to the US parks service: if you're going to charge 10 bucks admission, don't look at me like I'm crazy when I hand you the plastic. Lots of people don't carry cash.
Up the road a bit and we're at Crazy Horse. Even though the museum seems kinda like a mish-mosh of Native American stuff, we enjoyed this monument much more. Only his face is really done, and it will be great for us to look back at the pictures we got today when it's complete.
Foggy, nasty drive into Mitchell last night, complete with random lane closures. Trent stayed up and kept me company til we got in at 1am. Such a great kid!
Today, Corn Palace here we come! Hoping to make it "home" tonight but we'll see how it goes.
Location : 1001-1099 S Burr St, Mitchell, SD 57301,