Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Full Belly and a Full Day

I camped early last night to get a good night of sleep so I could get the 3 mile climb to Timberline done in time to meet Rob and Trent for breakfast. Good plan, but it felt like Christmas Eve and sleeping was difficult to manage!

Scared a herd of elk as I got moving. They started running before I saw them, so no pictures. Sounded like the forest was crashing down next to me!

Mt Hood in my sights! Really prefer when she's wearing a bit more snow. 

Brett and Amy, if you're reading, this is for you! 

Timberline Lodge is famous on the PCT for its buffet. Hikers talk about it for miles before they get here and for miles after they've had it. 

Forgot to get a picture before I started. It really was pretty darn tasty. 

But better than this shameless gut-busting meal was the surprise Trent brought me from home. 

EXPLODING KITTENS! So very very awesome, and so impressed Trent waited for me to open it! We chilled in the lodge and played while my breakfast settled. 

Back to the trail! 

Mt St Helens and Ranier getting closer!

My dilemma today was wether to cross the Sandy River before making camp, or to save it for the morning. I took a look, and decided to get it done today. Camping close enough to hear it, and knowing I had to contend with it would have meant a very restless night. I don't have a picture, and I know my description might be over dramatic. There are some rocks, but not really a way to cross without putting your feet in the water. You must pick a path across, but the water is moving fast and is silty enough that you can't see the bottom. I had more confidence this time than I did at Russell Creek, but signs on the trail earlier reference crossing safety and a girl that died crossing here years ago.  I picked my spot, took my time, and may have yelled a bit in triumph when I was done. 

Another full day, and only a few more to go!

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