Saturday, July 11, 2015

Going Rogue

The gentle pitter patter of rain that started off so welcome and relaxing last night turned into drops so big, it sounded like we were trapped in a popcorn maker. But our tents did their job, and we woke up dry. (Thanks, Mountain Hardware!)

We found water early, and started hustling. 

The world is still soaked and feels like Oregon should feel. Grey and drizzly. We are sad for hikers not energized by this!

Clouds. Praise Jibbers. 

In the Rogue River National Forest, the Army National Guard has built a lovely little cabin complete with water pump. We relaxed for a bit, and shared stories with a hiker named Milkjug. 

In this section we also came to the Brown Mountain lava fields. This must have been one mother of an angry volcano. The huge swaths of rocky devastation take over the landscape like nothing I've ever seen before. 

Also met a hiker named Cat Whacker. Sometimes we are told the meaning of trail names, sometimes we're left with a mystery. Your guess is as good as mine on this one! 

1 comment:

  1. Well it could defiantly be an adult joke. Maybe he gets a lot...
